Thursday 5 November 2009


I find it astonishing how often anxious thoughts now enter my head, in the most trivial of situations, not situations that warrant any sort of anxious repsonse.

For example, today I pulled into a petrol station and started filling up. Then the thought struck me "Oh no, should I fill up the tank completely or just half fill it?" and caused me a fleeting moment of anxiety. There's absolutely no need to worry in such a situation because it doesn't make any damn difference whether I fill it or not, I know that on a logical, rational level. But something deep down in my psyche decided it was something to worry over, at least temporarily.

That said, I have had a good day, I'm just thinking "fuck it", "I don't care" any time an anxious thought enters my mind. I just don't care about being worried any more, at least that's what I'm telling myself. And the mind is a powerful thing so if I keep telling myself "I don't give a crap" when the anxious thoughts enter my head then hopefully I'll start to believe it.

It does seem to be helping too, every time I have an anxious thought if I immediately follow it up with "who the fuck cares?" (or something along those lines) then it seem to take the power out of the anxious thought.

I'll keep practising ....

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